Barcelona Welcomes the TRICK General Assembly

The TRICK project partners recently gathered for their bi-annual General Assembly, this time in the lively city of Barcelona, Spain. Hosted by project partner UPC, the event took place on the 17th and 18th of October. This assembly offered a valuable platform for partners to share updates on their work, address current challenges, and discuss future steps for the project.

Over the course of the two-day meeting, the partners engaged in detailed discussions about the progress in each work package. The key focus areas for both days included:

  1. B2B Marketplace Development and Service Implementation: Examining how the marketplace is evolving and the services being implemented.
  2. Demonstration and Pilot Implementation: Discussing the status of demonstrations and pilot projects.
  3. Business Model and Collaboration Management: Sharing insights on business models and how collaborations are being managed.
  4. Development of the TRICK Platform: Reviewing the progress on the development of the platform.
  5. Blockchain Design and Implementation: Discussing the design and implementation of blockchain technologies.
  6. Communication and Dissemination: Strategies for effectively communicating and disseminating project information.

TRICK would like to extend sincere thanks to UPC for their excellent organization and hosting of the event, and to all the partners who participated, both in person and online. The project is looking forward to ongoing collaboration and the continued exchange of ideas among partners.